


containerd-{{ containerd_version }}、cri-containerd-{{ containerd_version }} 有以上两种二进制包,“cri_containerd"区别于"containerd-",在于它集合了"runc"等工具。 ”{{ containerd_version }}“是containerd版本,以下均以"1.5.11"为示例。

  • 下载二进制{{ containerd_version }}/cri-containerd-cni-{{ containerd_version }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • 解压部署
tar xzvf cri-containerd-cni-{{ containerd_version }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz /


  • “containerd-“与"cri-containerd-“安装包内容






disabled_plugins = [
imports = []
oom_score = 0
plugin_dir = "/data/containerd/plugins"
required_plugins = []
root = "/data/containerd"
state = "/run/containerd"
version = 2

  path = ""

  address = "/run/containerd/debug.sock"
  format = ""
  gid = 0
  level = ""
  uid = 0

  address = "/var/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
  gid = 0
  max_recv_message_size = 16777216
  max_send_message_size = 16777216
  tcp_address = ""
  tcp_tls_cert = ""
  tcp_tls_key = ""
  uid = 0

  address = ""
  grpc_histogram = false

    deletion_threshold = 0
    mutation_threshold = 100
    pause_threshold = 0.02
    schedule_delay = "0s"
    startup_delay = "100ms"
    disable_apparmor = false
    disable_cgroup = false
    disable_hugetlb_controller = true
    disable_proc_mount = false
    disable_tcp_service = true
    enable_selinux = false
    enable_tls_streaming = false
    ignore_image_defined_volumes = false
    max_concurrent_downloads = 3
    max_container_log_line_size = 16384
    netns_mounts_under_state_dir = false
    restrict_oom_score_adj = false
    sandbox_image = ""
    selinux_category_range = 1024
    stats_collect_period = 10
    stream_idle_timeout = "30m"
    stream_server_address = ""
    stream_server_port = "1339"
    tolerate_missing_hugetlb_controller = true
    unset_seccomp_profile = ""
      bin_dir = "/opt/cni/bin"
      conf_dir = "/etc/cni/net.d"
      max_conf_num = 1
      default_runtime_name = "runc"
      disable_snapshot_annotations = true
      discard_unpacked_layers = false
      no_pivot = false
      snapshotter = "overlayfs"
          base_runtime_spec = ""
          container_annotations = []
          pod_annotations = []
          privileged_without_host_devices = false
          runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
            SystemdCgroup = true
      key_model = "node"
      config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
    path = "/opt/containerd"
    interval = "10s"
    content_sharing_policy = "shared"
    no_prometheus = false
    platforms = ["linux/amd64"]
    default = ["walking"]
    root_path = ""


    accepts = ["application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+encrypted"]
    args = ["--decryption-keys-path", "/etc/containerd/ocicrypt/keys"]
    env = ["OCICRYPT_KEYPROVIDER_CONFIG=/etc/containerd/ocicrypt/ocicrypt_keyprovider.conf"]
    path = "ctd-decoder"
    returns = "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar"
    accepts = ["application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip+encrypted"]
    args = ["--decryption-keys-path", "/etc/containerd/ocicrypt/keys"]
    env = ["OCICRYPT_KEYPROVIDER_CONFIG=/etc/containerd/ocicrypt/ocicrypt_keyprovider.conf"]
    path = "ctd-decoder"
    returns = "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip"

  "io.containerd.timeout.shim.cleanup" = "5s"
  "io.containerd.timeout.shim.load" = "5s"
  "io.containerd.timeout.shim.shutdown" = "3s"
  "io.containerd.timeout.task.state" = "2s"

  address = "/run/containerd/containerd.sock.ttrpc"
  gid = 0
  uid = 0

// 对应 "/etc/containerd/config.toml" 配置的数据结构
type Config struct {
    // 配置文件版本,使用版本2
    Version int `toml:"version"`

    // 用于保存持久化数据的目录,包括content,snapshot,metadata和runtime
    Root string `toml:"root"`

    // 用于存放containerd的临时数据,如:套接字、PID、运行时状态、装入点和其他在重新启动之间不能持久存在的插件数据
    State string `toml:"state"`

    // TODO; 插件存放路径
    PluginDir string `toml:"plugin_dir"`

    // 配置containerd grpc服务监听地址、数据接收大小等
    GRPC GRPCConfig `toml:"grpc"`

    // 一种适用于低内存环境的GRPC
    TTRPC TTRPCConfig `toml:"ttrpc"`

    // 开启pprof,配合 ctr pprof 使用
    Debug Debug `toml:"debug"`

    // 开启 /v1/metrics 接口
    Metrics MetricsConfig `toml:"metrics"`

    // 禁用某些插件,启动时不做初始化
    DisabledPlugins []string `toml:"disabled_plugins"`

    // 必须加载成功的插件
    RequiredPlugins []string `toml:"required_plugins"`

    // 各插件的配置
    Plugins map[string]toml.Tree `toml:"plugins"`

    // 更改各个容器值 /proc/%d/oom_score_adj
    OOMScore int `toml:"oom_score"`

    // Cgroup specifies cgroup information for the containerd daemon process
    // TODO; 
    Cgroup CgroupConfig `toml:"cgroup"`

    // ProxyPlugins configures plugins which are communicated to over GRPC
    // TODO;
    ProxyPlugins map[string]ProxyPlugin `toml:"proxy_plugins"`

    // 控制shim的几个超时设置
    Timeouts map[string]string `toml:"timeouts"`

    // 其他路径的配置文件,一同合并至主配置
    Imports []string `toml:"imports"`

    // TODO;用于镜像解密
    StreamProcessors map[string]StreamProcessor `toml:"stream_processors"`

type GRPCConfig struct {
    // 创建grpc在本地unix socket路径地址
    Address        string `toml:"address"`

    // 创建grpc在tcp监听的地址与tls配置
    TCPAddress     string `toml:"tcp_address"`
    TCPTLSCert     string `toml:"tcp_tls_cert"`
    TCPTLSKey      string `toml:"tcp_tls_key"`

    // 本地unix socket的用户与组id
    UID            int    `toml:"uid"`
    GID            int    `toml:"gid"`

    // 设置grpc服务最大接收与发送字节大小,默认16M
    MaxRecvMsgSize int    `toml:"max_recv_message_size"`
    MaxSendMsgSize int    `toml:"max_send_message_size"`

type TTRPCConfig struct {
    // 同GRPCConfig
    Address string `toml:"address"`
    UID     int    `toml:"uid"`
    GID     int    `toml:"gid"`

type Debug struct {
    // 支持unix socket地址或者ip:port格式
    Address string `toml:"address"`
    UID     int    `toml:"uid"`
    GID     int    `toml:"gid"`
    Level   string `toml:"level"`
    // Format represents the logging format
    Format string `toml:"format"`

type MetricsConfig struct {
    // 这里配置的是ip:port地址,非unix socket,默认使用:
    Address       string `toml:"address"`
    // 开启 grpc_prometheus.EnableHandlingTimeHistogram() 用于评估rpc的请求延迟
    GRPCHistogram bool   `toml:"grpc_histogram"`

// CgroupConfig provides cgroup configuration
type CgroupConfig struct {
    Path string `toml:"path"`

// ProxyPlugin provides a proxy plugin configuration
type ProxyPlugin struct {
    Type    string `toml:"type"`
    Address string `toml:"address"`


这里 plugins 是一个 map[string]toml.Tree(或map[string]interface{})结构

类型 ID 代码路径 用途
io.containerd.internal.v1 restart runtime/restart/monitor/monitor.go 根据"config.interval"配置定时检查存在配置了"restart"标签容器状态是否符合预期
io.containerd.internal.v1 opt services/opt/service.go 创建"config.path"配置路径下"bin"与"lib"目录,同时把"lib"加入"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"变量
io.containerd.runtime.v1 linux runtime/v1/linux/runtime.go 废弃!runtime配置,均使用"runc.v2"版本,由于代码存在依赖,该插件还是不能被禁用
io.containerd.runtime.v2 task runtime/v2/manager.go TODO; 数据均生成在”/run/containerd"路径下
io.containerd.grpc.v1 cri pkg/cri/cri.go TODO; 创建cri服务
io.containerd.grpc.v1 tasks services/tasks/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/tasks/v1,服务实例:tasks-service
io.containerd.service.v1 tasks-service services/tasks/local.go Tasks服务实现
io.containerd.grpc.v1 snapshots services/snapshots/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/snapshots/v1,服务实例:snapshots-service
io.containerd.service.v1 snapshots-service services/snapshots/snapshotters.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 images services/images/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/images/tasks/v1,服务实例:images-service
io.containerd.service.v1 images-service services/images/local.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 healthcheck services/healthcheck/service.go gRPC接口
io.containerd.grpc.v1 content services/content/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/content/v1,服务实例:snapshots-service
io.containerd.service.v1 content-service services/content/store.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 diff services/diff/service.go api/services/diff/v1,服务实例:diff-service
io.containerd.service.v1 diff-service services/diff/local.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 introspection services/introspection/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/introspection/v1,服务实例:introspection-service
io.containerd.service.v1 introspection-service services/introspection/local.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 namespace services/namespace/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/namespace/v1,服务实例:namespace-service
io.containerd.service.v1 namespace-service services/namespace/local.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 leases services/leases/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/leases/v1,服务实例:leases-service
io.containerd.service.v1 leases-service services/leases/local.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 version services/version/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/version/v1,服务实例:leases-service
io.containerd.grpc.v1 containers services/containers/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/containers/v1,服务实例:containers-service
io.containerd.service.v1 containers-service services/containers/local.go TODO
io.containerd.grpc.v1 events services/events/service.go gRPC接口:api/services/events/v1
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 btrfs snapshots/btrfs/plugin/plugin.go TDO
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 native snapshots/native/plugin/plugin.go TDO
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 windows-lcow snapshots/lcow/lcow.go TDO
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 devmapper snapshots/devmapper/plugin/plugin.go TDO
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 windows snapshots/windows/windows.go TDO
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 overlayfs snapshots/overlay/plugin/plugin.go TDO
io.containerd.monitor.v1 cgroups metrics/cgroups/cgroups.go 容器在cgroup中的性能数据暴露至配置的"Metrics"服务,否则仅有containerd的grpc调用数据
io.containerd.differ.v1 windows-lcow diff/lcow/lcow.go TODO
io.containerd.differ.v1 walking diff/walking/plugin/plugin.go TODO
io.containerd.differ.v1 windows diff/windows/windows.go TODO
io.containerd.metadata.v1 bolt services/server/server.go TODO; 管理meta.db文件
io.containerd.content.v1 content services/server/server.go TODO; 管理本地"ingest"存储
io.containerd.gc.v1 scheduler gc/scheduler/scheduler.go TODO;


// Config for the restart monitor
type Config struct {
    // Interval for how long to wait to check for state changes
    Interval duration `toml:"interval"`


// Config for the opt manager
type Config struct {
    // Path for the opt directory
    Path string `toml:"path"`



RuntimeLinuxV1 = "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"
RuntimeRuncV1 = "io.containerd.runc.v1"
RuntimeRuncV2 = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
type Config struct {
    // 使用shim的二进制文件名,默认为:containerd-shim
    Shim string `toml:"shim"`

    // 配合shim的runtime二进制文件名,默认为:runc
    Runtime string `toml:"runtime"`

    RuntimeRoot string `toml:"runtime_root"`
    NoShim bool `toml:"no_shim"`
    ShimDebug bool `toml:"shim_debug"`


// Config for the v2 runtime
type Config struct {
    // Supported platforms
    Platforms []string `toml:"platforms"`



  • PluginConfig
// PluginConfig contains toml config related to CRI plugin,
// it is a subset of Config.
type PluginConfig struct {
    // ContainerdConfig contains config related to containerd
    ContainerdConfig `toml:"containerd" json:"containerd"`

    // cni相关
    CniConfig `toml:"cni" json:"cni"`

    // 镜像中心相关
    Registry Registry `toml:"registry" json:"registry"`

    // 镜像解密相关
    ImageDecryption `toml:"image_decryption" json:"imageDecryption"`

    // TODO; 不把cri tcp服务注册至"config.grpc.address"配置的地址
    DisableTCPService bool `toml:"disable_tcp_service" json:"disableTCPService"`

    // 配置本地http服务提供websocket,用于容器的exec, attach, portforward功能
    // tcp连接均发生在127.0.0.1
    StreamServerAddress string `toml:"stream_server_address" json:"streamServerAddress"`
    // 可以配置为0,由containerd判断使用空闲端口
    StreamServerPort string `toml:"stream_server_port" json:"streamServerPort"`
    // 配置最大的空闲时间,格式使用golang duration语法,如:10m, 30s等
    StreamIdleTimeout string `toml:"stream_idle_timeout" json:"streamIdleTimeout"`

    // TODO;
    // EnableSelinux indicates to enable the selinux support.
    EnableSelinux bool `toml:"enable_selinux" json:"enableSelinux"`
    // SelinuxCategoryRange allows the upper bound on the category range to be set.
    // If not specified or set to 0, defaults to 1024 from the selinux package.
    SelinuxCategoryRange int `toml:"selinux_category_range" json:"selinuxCategoryRange"`

    // pause镜像的地址
    SandboxImage string `toml:"sandbox_image" json:"sandboxImage"`

    // StatsCollectPeriod is the period (in seconds) of snapshots stats collection.
    StatsCollectPeriod int `toml:"stats_collect_period" json:"statsCollectPeriod"`

    // 开启systemd的cgroup支持,仅使用"io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"下有效,已被废弃
    // 是在:plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri" 下的 "systemd_cgroup"
    // 由:plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runc.options 下的 SystemdCgroup 代替
    SystemdCgroup bool `toml:"systemd_cgroup" json:"systemdCgroup"`

    // 是否为"StreamServerAddress"配置tls证实,以使用https
    EnableTLSStreaming bool `toml:"enable_tls_streaming" json:"enableTLSStreaming"`
    X509KeyPairStreaming `toml:"x509_key_pair_streaming" json:"x509KeyPairStreaming"`

    // 容器日志单行最大大小,超过该尺寸则切割为多行
    // oci默认为4096字节,containerd默认设置为16384
    MaxContainerLogLineSize int `toml:"max_container_log_line_size" json:"maxContainerLogSize"`

    // TODO; 关闭cgroup的支持,一般当containerd以非root用户运行使用
    DisableCgroup bool `toml:"disable_cgroup" json:"disableCgroup"`
    // TODO; 关闭apparmor的支持,一般当containerd以非root用户运行使用
    DisableApparmor bool `toml:"disable_apparmor" json:"disableApparmor"`
    // TODO; 关闭调整oom_score的支持,一般当containerd以非root用户运行使用
    RestrictOOMScoreAdj bool `toml:"restrict_oom_score_adj" json:"restrictOOMScoreAdj"`

    // 限制最大并行数对每个镜像下载,通过semaphore实现
    MaxConcurrentDownloads int `toml:"max_concurrent_downloads" json:"maxConcurrentDownloads"`

    // TODO; 在k8s<=1.11版本必须设为'true'
    // cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2/api.proto -> masked_paths
    DisableProcMount bool `toml:"disable_proc_mount" json:"disableProcMount"`

    // UnsetSeccompProfile is the profile containerd/cri will use If the provided seccomp profile is
    // unset (`""`) for a container (default is `unconfined`)
    UnsetSeccompProfile string `toml:"unset_seccomp_profile" json:"unsetSeccompProfile"`

    // TolerateMissingHugetlbController if set to false will error out on create/update
    // container requests with huge page limits if the cgroup controller for hugepages is not present.
    // This helps with supporting Kubernetes <=1.18 out of the box. (default is `true`)
    // TODO;
    TolerateMissingHugetlbController bool `toml:"tolerate_missing_hugetlb_controller" json:"tolerateMissingHugetlbController"`

    // DisableHugetlbController indicates to silently disable the hugetlb controller, even when it is
    // present in /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers.
    // This helps with running rootless mode + cgroup v2 + systemd but without hugetlb delegation.
    DisableHugetlbController bool `toml:"disable_hugetlb_controller" json:"disableHugetlbController"`

    // IgnoreImageDefinedVolumes ignores volumes defined by the image. Useful for better resource
    // isolation, security and early detection of issues in the mount configuration when using
    // ReadOnlyRootFilesystem since containers won't silently mount a temporary volume.
    IgnoreImageDefinedVolumes bool `toml:"ignore_image_defined_volumes" json:"ignoreImageDefinedVolumes"`

    // NetNSMountsUnderStateDir places all mounts for network namespaces under StateDir/netns instead
    // of being placed under the hardcoded directory /var/run/netns. Changing this setting requires
    // that all containers are deleted.
    NetNSMountsUnderStateDir bool `toml:"netns_mounts_under_state_dir" json:"netnsMountsUnderStateDir"`
  • ContainerdConfig
type ContainerdConfig struct {
    // 使用哪个"io.containerd.snapshotter.v1"插件id
    Snapshotter string `toml:"snapshotter" json:"snapshotter"`

    // 默认使用的容器运行时,名称必须配置在"runtimes"里
    DefaultRuntimeName string `toml:"default_runtime_name" json:"defaultRuntimeName"`

    // 废弃!使用"DefaultRuntimeName"代替
    DefaultRuntime Runtime `toml:"default_runtime" json:"defaultRuntime"`
    // 废弃!在"Runtimes"里使用"untrusted"代替
    UntrustedWorkloadRuntime Runtime `toml:"untrusted_workload_runtime" json:"untrustedWorkloadRuntime"`

    // Runtimes is a map from CRI RuntimeHandler strings, which specify types of runtime
    // configurations, to the matching configurations.
    Runtimes map[string]Runtime `toml:"runtimes" json:"runtimes"`

    // NoPivot disables pivot-root (linux only), required when running a container in a RamDisk with runc
    // This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
    NoPivot bool `toml:"no_pivot" json:"noPivot"`

    // DisableSnapshotAnnotations disables to pass additional annotations (image
    // related information) to snapshotters. These annotations are required by
    // stargz snapshotter (
    DisableSnapshotAnnotations bool `toml:"disable_snapshot_annotations" json:"disableSnapshotAnnotations"`

    // DiscardUnpackedLayers is a boolean flag to specify whether to allow GC to
    // remove layers from the content store after successfully unpacking these
    // layers to the snapshotter.
    DiscardUnpackedLayers bool `toml:"discard_unpacked_layers" json:"discardUnpackedLayers"`

// Runtime struct to contain the type(ID), engine, and root variables for a default runtime
// and a runtime for untrusted worload.
type Runtime struct {
    // 运行时使用的类型,如:"io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux","io.containerd.runc.v1",io.containerd.runc.v2"(推荐)
    Type string `toml:"runtime_type" json:"runtimeType"`

    // 废弃!仅支持类型为"io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"
    Engine string `toml:"runtime_engine" json:"runtimeEngine"`

    // PodAnnotations is a list of pod annotations passed to both pod sandbox as well as
    // container OCI annotations.
    PodAnnotations []string `toml:"pod_annotations" json:"PodAnnotations"`

    // ContainerAnnotations is a list of container annotations passed through to the OCI config of the containers.
    // Container annotations in CRI are usually generated by other Kubernetes node components (i.e., not users).
    // Currently, only device plugins populate the annotations.
    ContainerAnnotations []string `toml:"container_annotations" json:"ContainerAnnotations"`

    // 废弃!仅支持类型为"io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"
    Root string `toml:"runtime_root" json:"runtimeRoot"`

    // Options are config options for the runtime.
    // If options is loaded from toml config, it will be map[string]interface{}.
    // Options can be converted into toml.Tree using toml.TreeFromMap().
    // Using options type as map[string]interface{} helps in correctly marshaling options from Go to JSON.
    Options map[string]interface{} `toml:"options" json:"options"`

    // PrivilegedWithoutHostDevices overloads the default behaviour for adding host devices to the
    // runtime spec when the container is privileged. Defaults to false.
    PrivilegedWithoutHostDevices bool `toml:"privileged_without_host_devices" json:"privileged_without_host_devices"`

    // BaseRuntimeSpec is a json file with OCI spec to use as base spec that all container's will be created from.
    BaseRuntimeSpec string `toml:"base_runtime_spec" json:"baseRuntimeSpec"`
  • CniConfig
type CniConfig struct {
    // cni相关二进制存放目录
    NetworkPluginBinDir string `toml:"bin_dir" json:"binDir"`

    // cni配置存放目录
    NetworkPluginConfDir string `toml:"conf_dir" json:"confDir"`

    // 加载配置,默认仅允许加载1个配置,支持后缀:".conf", ".conflist", ".json"
    // 后缀判断
    NetworkPluginMaxConfNum int `toml:"max_conf_num" json:"maxConfNum"`

    // cni的模版,语法使用go template,根据kubelet配置自定生成配置,已被废弃,不建议使用
    NetworkPluginConfTemplate string `toml:"conf_template" json:"confTemplate"`
  • ImageDecryption
// 用于对加密的镜像如何解密
type ImageDecryption struct {
    // cri获取解密key的方式,与"stream_processors"配置配合使用,官方文档:
    KeyModel string `toml:"key_model" json:"keyModel"`
  • Registry
// Registry is registry settings configured
type Registry struct {
    // ConfigPath is a path to the root directory containing registry-specific
    // configurations.
    // If ConfigPath is set, the rest of the registry specific options are ignored.
    ConfigPath string `toml:"config_path" json:"configPath"`

    // Mirrors are namespace to mirror mapping for all namespaces.
    // This option will not be used when ConfigPath is provided.
    // DEPRECATED: Use ConfigPath instead. Remove in containerd 1.7.
    Mirrors map[string]Mirror `toml:"mirrors" json:"mirrors"`

    // Configs are configs for each registry.
    // The key is the domain name or IP of the registry.
    // This option will be fully deprecated for ConfigPath in the future.
    Configs map[string]RegistryConfig `toml:"configs" json:"configs"`

    // Auths are registry endpoint to auth config mapping. The registry endpoint must
    // be a valid url with host specified.
    // DEPRECATED: Use ConfigPath instead. Remove in containerd 1.6.
    Auths map[string]AuthConfig `toml:"auths" json:"auths"`

    // Headers adds additional HTTP headers that get sent to all registries
    Headers map[string][]string `toml:"headers" json:"headers"`
  • ConfigPath


struct {
    // Server specifies the default server. When `host` is
    // also specified, those hosts are tried first.
    Server string `toml:"server"`
    // HostConfigs store the per-host configuration
    HostConfigs map[string]hostFileConfig `toml:"host"`

type hostFileConfig struct {
    // Capabilities determine what operations a host is
    // capable of performing. Allowed values
    //  - pull
    //  - resolve
    //  - push
    Capabilities []string `toml:"capabilities"`

    // CACert can be a string or an array of strings
    CACert interface{} `toml:"ca"`

    // TODO: Make this an array (two key types, one for pairs (multiple files), one for single file?)
    Client interface{} `toml:"client"`

    SkipVerify *bool `toml:"skip_verify"`

    Header map[string]interface{} `toml:"header"`

    // API (default: "docker")
    // API Version (default: "v2")
    // Credentials: helper? name? username? alternate domain? token?


// Config represents configuration for the btrfs plugin.
type Config struct {
    // Root directory for the plugin
    RootPath string `toml:"root_path"`


// Config represents configuration for the native plugin.
type Config struct {
    // Root directory for the plugin
    RootPath string `toml:"root_path"`


// Config represents device mapper configuration loaded from file.
// Size units can be specified in human-readable string format (like "32KIB", "32GB", "32Tb")
type Config struct {
    // Device snapshotter root directory for metadata
    RootPath string `toml:"root_path"`

    // Name for 'thin-pool' device to be used by snapshotter (without /dev/mapper/ prefix)
    PoolName string `toml:"pool_name"`

    // Defines how much space to allocate when creating base image for container
    BaseImageSize      string `toml:"base_image_size"`
    BaseImageSizeBytes uint64 `toml:"-"`

    // Flag to async remove device using Cleanup() callback in snapshots GC
    AsyncRemove bool `toml:"async_remove"`


// Config represents configuration for the overlay plugin.
type Config struct {
    // Root directory for the plugin
    RootPath string `toml:"root_path"`


// Config for the cgroups monitor
type Config struct {
    NoPrometheus bool `toml:"no_prometheus"`


// BoltConfig defines the configuration values for the bolt plugin, which is
// loaded here, rather than back registered in the metadata package.
type BoltConfig struct {
    // ContentSharingPolicy sets the sharing policy for content between
    // namespaces.
    // The default mode "shared" will make blobs available in all
    // namespaces once it is pulled into any namespace. The blob will be pulled
    // into the namespace if a writer is opened with the "Expected" digest that
    // is already present in the backend.
    // The alternative mode, "isolated" requires that clients prove they have
    // access to the content by providing all of the content to the ingest
    // before the blob is added to the namespace.
    // Both modes share backing data, while "shared" will reduce total
    // bandwidth across namespaces, at the cost of allowing access to any blob
    // just by knowing its digest.
    ContentSharingPolicy string `toml:"content_sharing_policy"`


// config configures the garbage collection policies.
type config struct {
  // PauseThreshold represents the maximum amount of time garbage
  // collection should be scheduled based on the average pause time.
  // For example, a value of 0.02 means that scheduled garbage collection
  // pauses should present at most 2% of real time,
  // or 20ms of every second.
  // A maximum value of .5 is enforced to prevent over scheduling of the
  // garbage collector, trigger options are available to run in a more
  // predictable time frame after mutation.
  // Default is 0.02
  PauseThreshold float64 `toml:"pause_threshold"`

  // DeletionThreshold is used to guarantee that a garbage collection is
  // scheduled after configured number of deletions have occurred
  // since the previous garbage collection. A value of 0 indicates that
  // garbage collection will not be triggered by deletion count.
  // Default 0
  DeletionThreshold int `toml:"deletion_threshold"`

  // MutationThreshold is used to guarantee that a garbage collection is
  // run after a configured number of database mutations have occurred
  // since the previous garbage collection. A value of 0 indicates that
  // garbage collection will only be run after a manual trigger or
  // deletion. Unlike the deletion threshold, the mutation threshold does
  // not cause scheduling of a garbage collection, but ensures GC is run
  // at the next scheduled GC.
  // Default 100
  MutationThreshold int `toml:"mutation_threshold"`

  // ScheduleDelay is the duration in the future to schedule a garbage
  // collection triggered manually or by exceeding the configured
  // threshold for deletion or mutation. A zero value will immediately
  // schedule. Use suffix "ms" for millisecond and "s" for second.
  // Default is "0ms"
  ScheduleDelay duration `toml:"schedule_delay"`

  // StartupDelay is the delay duration to do an initial garbage
  // collection after startup. The initial garbage collection is used to
  // set the base for pause threshold and should be scheduled in the
  // future to avoid slowing down other startup processes. Use suffix
  // "ms" for millisecond and "s" for second.
  // Default is "100ms"
  StartupDelay duration `toml:"startup_delay"`




ctr -n c label 672bd8283f5c5fbbc22f9c31391132171503ef79b9eb3ca4f2652463d260ce77,,io.cri-containerd.kind=container,,io.kubernetes.pod.uid=24c002bb538c36d9833eb09e226b1bba,io.kubernetes.pod.namespace=kube-system


  • toml
    deletion_threshold = 0
    mutation_threshold = 100

    disable_apparmor = false
    disable_cgroup = false

      bin_dir = "/opt/cni/bin"
      conf_dir = "/etc/cni/net.d"
  • json
  "plubins": {
    "io.containerd.gc.v1.scheduler": {
      "deletion_threshold": 0,
      "mutation_threshold": 100
    "io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri": {
      "disable_apparmor": false,
      "disable_cgroup": false,
      "cni": {
        "bin_dir": "/opt/cni/bin",
        "conf_dir": "/etc/cni/net.d"
ctr plugins ls

// URI returns the full plugin URI
func (r *Registration) URI() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", r.Type, r.ID)



ctr --namespace images pull --hosts-dir /etc/containerd/certs.d/ --http-dump

最后修改 2023.10.09: docs: update containerd (42a01a4)