

kind: JoinConfiguration






// JoinConfiguration contains elements describing a particular node.
type JoinConfiguration struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    // NodeRegistration holds fields that relate to registering the new control-plane node to the cluster
    // +optional
    NodeRegistration NodeRegistrationOptions `json:"nodeRegistration,omitempty"`

    // CACertPath is the path to the SSL certificate authority used to
    // secure comunications between node and control-plane.
    // Defaults to "/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt".
    // +optional
    CACertPath string `json:"caCertPath,omitempty"`

    // Discovery specifies the options for the kubelet to use during the TLS Bootstrap process
    Discovery Discovery `json:"discovery"`

    // ControlPlane defines the additional control plane instance to be deployed on the joining node.
    // If nil, no additional control plane instance will be deployed.
    // +optional
    ControlPlane *JoinControlPlane `json:"controlPlane,omitempty"`

    // SkipPhases is a list of phases to skip during command execution.
    // The list of phases can be obtained with the "kubeadm join --help" command.
    // The flag "--skip-phases" takes precedence over this field.
    // +optional
    SkipPhases []string `json:"skipPhases,omitempty"`

    // Patches contains options related to applying patches to components deployed by kubeadm during
    // "kubeadm join".
    // +optional
    Patches *Patches `json:"patches,omitempty"`


// JoinControlPlane contains elements describing an additional control plane instance to be deployed on the joining node.
type JoinControlPlane struct {
    // LocalAPIEndpoint represents the endpoint of the API server instance to be deployed on this node.
    // +optional
    LocalAPIEndpoint APIEndpoint `json:"localAPIEndpoint,omitempty"`

    // CertificateKey is the key that is used for decryption of certificates after they are downloaded from the secret
    // upon joining a new control plane node. The corresponding encryption key is in the InitConfiguration.
    // +optional
    CertificateKey string `json:"certificateKey,omitempty"`

最后修改 2023.01.28: feat: 整理下目录顺序 (e5691ea)