kube-scheduler 配置


kube-scheduler 主要配置已经均迁移至 KubeSchedulerConfiguration 不建议在启动命令行上配置。



// KubeSchedulerConfiguration configures a scheduler
type KubeSchedulerConfiguration struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

	// Parallelism defines the amount of parallelism in algorithms for scheduling a Pods. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 16
	Parallelism *int32 `json:"parallelism,omitempty"`

	// LeaderElection defines the configuration of leader election client.
	LeaderElection componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.LeaderElectionConfiguration `json:"leaderElection"`

	// ClientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection
	// settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver.
	ClientConnection componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.ClientConnectionConfiguration `json:"clientConnection"`

	// DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features
	// TODO: We might wanna make this a substruct like Debugging componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.DebuggingConfiguration
	componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.DebuggingConfiguration `json:",inline"`

	// PercentageOfNodesToScore is the percentage of all nodes that once found feasible
	// for running a pod, the scheduler stops its search for more feasible nodes in
	// the cluster. This helps improve scheduler's performance. Scheduler always tries to find
	// at least "minFeasibleNodesToFind" feasible nodes no matter what the value of this flag is.
	// Example: if the cluster size is 500 nodes and the value of this flag is 30,
	// then scheduler stops finding further feasible nodes once it finds 150 feasible ones.
	// When the value is 0, default percentage (5%--50% based on the size of the cluster) of the
	// nodes will be scored. It is overridden by profile level PercentageofNodesToScore.
	PercentageOfNodesToScore *int32 `json:"percentageOfNodesToScore,omitempty"`

	// PodInitialBackoffSeconds is the initial backoff for unschedulable pods.
	// If specified, it must be greater than 0. If this value is null, the default value (1s)
	// will be used.
	PodInitialBackoffSeconds *int64 `json:"podInitialBackoffSeconds,omitempty"`

	// PodMaxBackoffSeconds is the max backoff for unschedulable pods.
	// If specified, it must be greater than podInitialBackoffSeconds. If this value is null,
	// the default value (10s) will be used.
	PodMaxBackoffSeconds *int64 `json:"podMaxBackoffSeconds,omitempty"`

	// Profiles are scheduling profiles that kube-scheduler supports. Pods can
	// choose to be scheduled under a particular profile by setting its associated
	// scheduler name. Pods that don't specify any scheduler name are scheduled
	// with the "default-scheduler" profile, if present here.
	// +listType=map
	// +listMapKey=schedulerName
	Profiles []KubeSchedulerProfile `json:"profiles,omitempty"`

	// Extenders are the list of scheduler extenders, each holding the values of how to communicate
	// with the extender. These extenders are shared by all scheduler profiles.
	// +listType=set
	Extenders []Extender `json:"extenders,omitempty"`


最后修改 2023.12.04: docs: update control plane (4b233c6)