

apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta
kind: KubeletConfiguration







// KubeletConfiguration contains the configuration for the Kubelet
type KubeletConfiguration struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

	// enableServer enables Kubelet's secured server.
	// Note: Kubelet's insecure port is controlled by the readOnlyPort option.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: true
	EnableServer *bool `json:"enableServer,omitempty"`
	// staticPodPath is the path to the directory containing local (static) pods to
	// run, or the path to a single static pod file.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// the set of static pods specified at the new path may be different than the
	// ones the Kubelet initially started with, and this may disrupt your node.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	StaticPodPath string `json:"staticPodPath,omitempty"`
	// syncFrequency is the max period between synchronizing running
	// containers and config.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// shortening this duration may have a negative performance impact, especially
	// as the number of Pods on the node increases. Alternatively, increasing this
	// duration will result in longer refresh times for ConfigMaps and Secrets.
	// Default: "1m"
	// +optional
	SyncFrequency metav1.Duration `json:"syncFrequency,omitempty"`
	// fileCheckFrequency is the duration between checking config files for
	// new data.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// shortening the duration will cause the Kubelet to reload local Static Pod
	// configurations more frequently, which may have a negative performance impact.
	// Default: "20s"
	// +optional
	FileCheckFrequency metav1.Duration `json:"fileCheckFrequency,omitempty"`
	// httpCheckFrequency is the duration between checking http for new data.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// shortening the duration will cause the Kubelet to poll staticPodURL more
	// frequently, which may have a negative performance impact.
	// Default: "20s"
	// +optional
	HTTPCheckFrequency metav1.Duration `json:"httpCheckFrequency,omitempty"`
	// staticPodURL is the URL for accessing static pods to run.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// the set of static pods specified at the new URL may be different than the
	// ones the Kubelet initially started with, and this may disrupt your node.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	StaticPodURL string `json:"staticPodURL,omitempty"`
	// staticPodURLHeader is a map of slices with HTTP headers to use when accessing the podURL.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt the ability to read the latest set of static pods from StaticPodURL.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	StaticPodURLHeader map[string][]string `json:"staticPodURLHeader,omitempty"`
	// address is the IP address for the Kubelet to serve on (set to
	// for all interfaces).
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
	// port is the port for the Kubelet to serve on.
	// The port number must be between 1 and 65535, inclusive.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: 10250
	// +optional
	Port int32 `json:"port,omitempty"`
	// readOnlyPort is the read-only port for the Kubelet to serve on with
	// no authentication/authorization.
	// The port number must be between 1 and 65535, inclusive.
	// Setting this field to 0 disables the read-only service.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: 0 (disabled)
	// +optional
	ReadOnlyPort int32 `json:"readOnlyPort,omitempty"`
	// tlsCertFile is the file containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert,
	// if any, concatenated after server cert). If tlsCertFile and
	// tlsPrivateKeyFile are not provided, a self-signed certificate
	// and key are generated for the public address and saved to the directory
	// passed to the Kubelet's --cert-dir flag.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	TLSCertFile string `json:"tlsCertFile,omitempty"`
	// tlsPrivateKeyFile is the file containing x509 private key matching tlsCertFile.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	TLSPrivateKeyFile string `json:"tlsPrivateKeyFile,omitempty"`
	// tlsCipherSuites is the list of allowed cipher suites for the server.
	// Values are from tls package constants (https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#pkg-constants).
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	TLSCipherSuites []string `json:"tlsCipherSuites,omitempty"`
	// tlsMinVersion is the minimum TLS version supported.
	// Values are from tls package constants (https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#pkg-constants).
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	TLSMinVersion string `json:"tlsMinVersion,omitempty"`
	// rotateCertificates enables client certificate rotation. The Kubelet will request a
	// new certificate from the certificates.k8s.io API. This requires an approver to approve the
	// certificate signing requests.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// disabling it may disrupt the Kubelet's ability to authenticate with the API server
	// after the current certificate expires.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	RotateCertificates bool `json:"rotateCertificates,omitempty"`
	// serverTLSBootstrap enables server certificate bootstrap. Instead of self
	// signing a serving certificate, the Kubelet will request a certificate from
	// the 'certificates.k8s.io' API. This requires an approver to approve the
	// certificate signing requests (CSR). The RotateKubeletServerCertificate feature
	// must be enabled when setting this field.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// disabling it will stop the renewal of Kubelet server certificates, which can
	// disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server in the long term,
	// due to certificate expiration.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	ServerTLSBootstrap bool `json:"serverTLSBootstrap,omitempty"`
	// authentication specifies how requests to the Kubelet's server are authenticated.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Defaults:
	//   anonymous:
	//     enabled: false
	//   webhook:
	//     enabled: true
	//     cacheTTL: "2m"
	// +optional
	Authentication KubeletAuthentication `json:"authentication"`
	// authorization specifies how requests to the Kubelet's server are authorized.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Defaults:
	//   mode: Webhook
	//   webhook:
	//     cacheAuthorizedTTL: "5m"
	//     cacheUnauthorizedTTL: "30s"
	// +optional
	Authorization KubeletAuthorization `json:"authorization"`
	// registryPullQPS is the limit of registry pulls per second.
	// The value must not be a negative number.
	// Setting it to 0 means no limit.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced
	// by image pulls.
	// Default: 5
	// +optional
	RegistryPullQPS *int32 `json:"registryPullQPS,omitempty"`
	// registryBurst is the maximum size of bursty pulls, temporarily allows
	// pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registryPullQPS.
	// The value must not be a negative number.
	// Only used if registryPullQPS is greater than 0.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced
	// by image pulls.
	// Default: 10
	// +optional
	RegistryBurst int32 `json:"registryBurst,omitempty"`
	// eventRecordQPS is the maximum event creations per second. If 0, there
	// is no limit enforced. The value cannot be a negative number.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced by
	// event creations.
	// Default: 5
	// +optional
	EventRecordQPS *int32 `json:"eventRecordQPS,omitempty"`
	// eventBurst is the maximum size of a burst of event creations, temporarily
	// allows event creations to burst to this number, while still not exceeding
	// eventRecordQPS. This field canot be a negative number and it is only used
	// when eventRecordQPS > 0.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced by
	// event creations.
	// Default: 10
	// +optional
	EventBurst int32 `json:"eventBurst,omitempty"`
	// enableDebuggingHandlers enables server endpoints for log access
	// and local running of containers and commands, including the exec,
	// attach, logs, and portforward features.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// disabling it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	EnableDebuggingHandlers *bool `json:"enableDebuggingHandlers,omitempty"`
	// enableContentionProfiling enables lock contention profiling, if enableDebuggingHandlers is true.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// enabling it may carry a performance impact.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	EnableContentionProfiling bool `json:"enableContentionProfiling,omitempty"`
	// healthzPort is the port of the localhost healthz endpoint (set to 0 to disable).
	// A valid number is between 1 and 65535.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that monitor Kubelet health.
	// Default: 10248
	// +optional
	HealthzPort *int32 `json:"healthzPort,omitempty"`
	// healthzBindAddress is the IP address for the healthz server to serve on.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that monitor Kubelet health.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	HealthzBindAddress string `json:"healthzBindAddress,omitempty"`
	// oomScoreAdj is The oom-score-adj value for kubelet process. Values
	// must be within the range [-1000, 1000].
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact the stability of nodes under memory pressure.
	// Default: -999
	// +optional
	OOMScoreAdj *int32 `json:"oomScoreAdj,omitempty"`
	// clusterDomain is the DNS domain for this cluster. If set, kubelet will
	// configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the
	// host's search domains.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): Dynamically updating this field is not recommended,
	// as it should be kept in sync with the rest of the cluster.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	ClusterDomain string `json:"clusterDomain,omitempty"`
	// clusterDNS is a list of IP addresses for the cluster DNS server. If set,
	// kubelet will configure all containers to use this for DNS resolution
	// instead of the host's DNS servers.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// changes will only take effect on Pods created after the update. Draining
	// the node is recommended before changing this field.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	ClusterDNS []string `json:"clusterDNS,omitempty"`
	// streamingConnectionIdleTimeout is the maximum time a streaming connection
	// can be idle before the connection is automatically closed.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact components that rely on infrequent updates over streaming
	// connections to the Kubelet server.
	// Default: "4h"
	// +optional
	StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout metav1.Duration `json:"streamingConnectionIdleTimeout,omitempty"`
	// nodeStatusUpdateFrequency is the frequency that kubelet computes node
	// status. If node lease feature is not enabled, it is also the frequency that
	// kubelet posts node status to master.
	// Note: When node lease feature is not enabled, be cautious when changing the
	// constant, it must work with nodeMonitorGracePeriod in nodecontroller.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact node scalability, and also that the node controller's
	// nodeMonitorGracePeriod must be set to N*NodeStatusUpdateFrequency,
	// where N is the number of retries before the node controller marks
	// the node unhealthy.
	// Default: "10s"
	// +optional
	NodeStatusUpdateFrequency metav1.Duration `json:"nodeStatusUpdateFrequency,omitempty"`
	// nodeStatusReportFrequency is the frequency that kubelet posts node
	// status to master if node status does not change. Kubelet will ignore this
	// frequency and post node status immediately if any change is detected. It is
	// only used when node lease feature is enabled. nodeStatusReportFrequency's
	// default value is 5m. But if nodeStatusUpdateFrequency is set explicitly,
	// nodeStatusReportFrequency's default value will be set to
	// nodeStatusUpdateFrequency for backward compatibility.
	// Default: "5m"
	// +optional
	NodeStatusReportFrequency metav1.Duration `json:"nodeStatusReportFrequency,omitempty"`
	// nodeLeaseDurationSeconds is the duration the Kubelet will set on its corresponding Lease,
	// when the NodeLease feature is enabled. This feature provides an indicator of node
	// health by having the Kubelet create and periodically renew a lease, named after the node,
	// in the kube-node-lease namespace. If the lease expires, the node can be considered unhealthy.
	// The lease is currently renewed every 10s, per KEP-0009. In the future, the lease renewal interval
	// may be set based on the lease duration.
	// The field value must be greater than 0.
	// Requires the NodeLease feature gate to be enabled.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// decreasing the duration may reduce tolerance for issues that temporarily prevent
	// the Kubelet from renewing the lease (e.g. a short-lived network issue).
	// Default: 40
	// +optional
	NodeLeaseDurationSeconds int32 `json:"nodeLeaseDurationSeconds,omitempty"`
	// imageMinimumGCAge is the minimum age for an unused image before it is
	// garbage collected.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger or delay garbage collection, and may change the image overhead
	// on the node.
	// Default: "2m"
	// +optional
	ImageMinimumGCAge metav1.Duration `json:"imageMinimumGCAge,omitempty"`
	// imageGCHighThresholdPercent is the percent of disk usage after which
	// image garbage collection is always run. The percent is calculated by
	// dividing this field value by 100, so this field must be between 0 and
	// 100, inclusive. When specified, the value must be greater than
	// imageGCLowThresholdPercent.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger or delay garbage collection, and may change the image overhead
	// on the node.
	// Default: 85
	// +optional
	ImageGCHighThresholdPercent *int32 `json:"imageGCHighThresholdPercent,omitempty"`
	// imageGCLowThresholdPercent is the percent of disk usage before which
	// image garbage collection is never run. Lowest disk usage to garbage
	// collect to. The percent is calculated by dividing this field value by 100,
	// so the field value must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. When specified, the
	// value must be less than imageGCHighThresholdPercent.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger or delay garbage collection, and may change the image overhead
	// on the node.
	// Default: 80
	// +optional
	ImageGCLowThresholdPercent *int32 `json:"imageGCLowThresholdPercent,omitempty"`
	// volumeStatsAggPeriod is the frequency for calculating and caching volume
	// disk usage for all pods.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// shortening the period may carry a performance impact.
	// Default: "1m"
	// +optional
	VolumeStatsAggPeriod metav1.Duration `json:"volumeStatsAggPeriod,omitempty"`
	// kubeletCgroups is the absolute name of cgroups to isolate the kubelet in
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	KubeletCgroups string `json:"kubeletCgroups,omitempty"`
	// systemCgroups is absolute name of cgroups in which to place
	// all non-kernel processes that are not already in a container. Empty
	// for no container. Rolling back the flag requires a reboot.
	// The cgroupRoot must be specified if this field is not empty.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	SystemCgroups string `json:"systemCgroups,omitempty"`
	// cgroupRoot is the root cgroup to use for pods. This is handled by the
	// container runtime on a best effort basis.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	CgroupRoot string `json:"cgroupRoot,omitempty"`
	// cgroupsPerQOS enable QoS based CGroup hierarchy: top level CGroups for QoS classes
	// and all Burstable and BestEffort Pods are brought up under their specific top level
	// QoS CGroup.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	CgroupsPerQOS *bool `json:"cgroupsPerQOS,omitempty"`
	// cgroupDriver is the driver kubelet uses to manipulate CGroups on the host (cgroupfs
	// or systemd).
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: "cgroupfs"
	// +optional
	CgroupDriver string `json:"cgroupDriver,omitempty"`
	// cpuManagerPolicy is the name of the policy to use.
	// Requires the CPUManager feature gate to be enabled.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: "None"
	// +optional
	CPUManagerPolicy string `json:"cpuManagerPolicy,omitempty"`
	// cpuManagerPolicyOptions is a set of key=value which 	allows to set extra options
	// to fine tune the behaviour of the cpu manager policies.
	// Requires  both the "CPUManager" and "CPUManagerPolicyOptions" feature gates to be enabled.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (beta): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	CPUManagerPolicyOptions map[string]string `json:"cpuManagerPolicyOptions,omitempty"`
	// cpuManagerReconcilePeriod is the reconciliation period for the CPU Manager.
	// Requires the CPUManager feature gate to be enabled.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// shortening the period may carry a performance impact.
	// Default: "10s"
	// +optional
	CPUManagerReconcilePeriod metav1.Duration `json:"cpuManagerReconcilePeriod,omitempty"`
	// memoryManagerPolicy is the name of the policy to use by memory manager.
	// Requires the MemoryManager feature gate to be enabled.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: "none"
	// +optional
	MemoryManagerPolicy string `json:"memoryManagerPolicy,omitempty"`
	// topologyManagerPolicy is the name of the topology manager policy to use.
	// Valid values include:
	// - `restricted`: kubelet only allows pods with optimal NUMA node alignment for
	//   requested resources;
	// - `best-effort`: kubelet will favor pods with NUMA alignment of CPU and device
	//   resources;
	// - `none`: kublet has no knowledge of NUMA alignment of a pod's CPU and device resources.
	// - `single-numa-node`: kubelet only allows pods with a single NUMA alignment
	//   of CPU and device resources.
	// Policies other than "none" require the TopologyManager feature gate to be enabled.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: "none"
	// +optional
	TopologyManagerPolicy string `json:"topologyManagerPolicy,omitempty"`
	// topologyManagerScope represents the scope of topology hint generation
	// that topology manager requests and hint providers generate. Valid values include:
	// - `container`: topology policy is applied on a per-container basis.
	// - `pod`: topology policy is applied on a per-pod basis.
	// "pod" scope requires the TopologyManager feature gate to be enabled.
	// Default: "container"
	// +optional
	TopologyManagerScope string `json:"topologyManagerScope,omitempty"`
	// qosReserved is a set of resource name to percentage pairs that specify
	// the minimum percentage of a resource reserved for exclusive use by the
	// guaranteed QoS tier.
	// Currently supported resources: "memory"
	// Requires the QOSReserved feature gate to be enabled.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	QOSReserved map[string]string `json:"qosReserved,omitempty"`
	// runtimeRequestTimeout is the timeout for all runtime requests except long running
	// requests - pull, logs, exec and attach.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may disrupt components that interact with the Kubelet server.
	// Default: "2m"
	// +optional
	RuntimeRequestTimeout metav1.Duration `json:"runtimeRequestTimeout,omitempty"`
	// hairpinMode specifies how the Kubelet should configure the container
	// bridge for hairpin packets.
	// Setting this flag allows endpoints in a Service to loadbalance back to
	// themselves if they should try to access their own Service. Values:
	// - "promiscuous-bridge": make the container bridge promiscuous.
	// - "hairpin-veth":       set the hairpin flag on container veth interfaces.
	// - "none":               do nothing.
	// Generally, one must set `--hairpin-mode=hairpin-veth to` achieve hairpin NAT,
	// because promiscuous-bridge assumes the existence of a container bridge named cbr0.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may require a node reboot, depending on the network plugin.
	// Default: "promiscuous-bridge"
	// +optional
	HairpinMode string `json:"hairpinMode,omitempty"`
	// maxPods is the maximum number of Pods that can run on this Kubelet.
	// The value must be a non-negative integer.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// changes may cause Pods to fail admission on Kubelet restart, and may change
	// the value reported in Node.Status.Capacity[v1.ResourcePods], thus affecting
	// future scheduling decisions. Increasing this value may also decrease performance,
	// as more Pods can be packed into a single node.
	// Default: 110
	// +optional
	MaxPods int32 `json:"maxPods,omitempty"`
	// podCIDR is the CIDR to use for pod IP addresses, only used in standalone mode.
	// In cluster mode, this is obtained from the control plane.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should always be set to the empty default.
	// It should only set for standalone Kubelets, which cannot use Dynamic Kubelet Config.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	PodCIDR string `json:"podCIDR,omitempty"`
	// podPidsLimit is the maximum number of PIDs in any pod.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// lowering it may prevent container processes from forking after the change.
	// Default: -1
	// +optional
	PodPidsLimit *int64 `json:"podPidsLimit,omitempty"`
	// resolvConf is the resolver configuration file used as the basis
	// for the container DNS resolution configuration.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// changes will only take effect on Pods created after the update. Draining
	// the node is recommended before changing this field.
	// Default: "/etc/resolv.conf"
	// +optional
	ResolverConfig string `json:"resolvConf,omitempty"`
	// runOnce causes the Kubelet to check the API server once for pods,
	// run those in addition to the pods specified by static pod files, and exit.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	RunOnce bool `json:"runOnce,omitempty"`
	// cpuCFSQuota enables CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that
	// specify CPU limits.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// disabling it may reduce node stability.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	CPUCFSQuota *bool `json:"cpuCFSQuota,omitempty"`
	// cpuCFSQuotaPeriod is the CPU CFS quota period value, `cpu.cfs_period_us`.
	// The value must be between 1 us and 1 second, inclusive.
	// Requires the CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod feature gate to be enabled.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// limits set for containers will result in different cpu.cfs_quota settings. This
	// will trigger container restarts on the node being reconfigured.
	// Default: "100ms"
	// +optional
	CPUCFSQuotaPeriod *metav1.Duration `json:"cpuCFSQuotaPeriod,omitempty"`
	// nodeStatusMaxImages caps the number of images reported in Node.status.images.
	// The value must be greater than -2.
	// Note: If -1 is specified, no cap will be applied. If 0 is specified, no image is returned.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// different values can be reported on node status.
	// Default: 50
	// +optional
	NodeStatusMaxImages *int32 `json:"nodeStatusMaxImages,omitempty"`
	// maxOpenFiles is Number of files that can be opened by Kubelet process.
	// The value must be a non-negative number.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact the ability of the Kubelet to interact with the node's filesystem.
	// Default: 1000000
	// +optional
	MaxOpenFiles int64 `json:"maxOpenFiles,omitempty"`
	// contentType is contentType of requests sent to apiserver.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact the ability for the Kubelet to communicate with the API server.
	// If the Kubelet loses contact with the API server due to a change to this field,
	// the change cannot be reverted via dynamic Kubelet config.
	// Default: "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
	// +optional
	ContentType string `json:"contentType,omitempty"`
	// kubeAPIQPS is the QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic the Kubelet
	// sends to the API server.
	// Default: 5
	// +optional
	KubeAPIQPS *int32 `json:"kubeAPIQPS,omitempty"`
	// kubeAPIBurst is the burst to allow while talking with kubernetes API server.
	// This field cannot be a negative number.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic the Kubelet
	// sends to the API server.
	// Default: 10
	// +optional
	KubeAPIBurst int32 `json:"kubeAPIBurst,omitempty"`
	// serializeImagePulls when enabled, tells the Kubelet to pull images one
	// at a time. We recommend *not* changing the default value on nodes that
	// run docker daemon with version  < 1.9 or an Aufs storage backend.
	// Issue #10959 has more details.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact the performance of image pulls.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	SerializeImagePulls *bool `json:"serializeImagePulls,omitempty"`
	// evictionHard is a map of signal names to quantities that defines hard eviction
	// thresholds. For example: `{"memory.available": "300Mi"}`.
	// To explicitly disable, pass a 0% or 100% threshold on an arbitrary resource.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger or delay Pod evictions.
	// Default:
	//   memory.available:  "100Mi"
	//   nodefs.available:  "10%"
	//   nodefs.inodesFree: "5%"
	//   imagefs.available: "15%"
	// +optional
	EvictionHard map[string]string `json:"evictionHard,omitempty"`
	// evictionSoft is a map of signal names to quantities that defines soft eviction thresholds.
	// For example: `{"memory.available": "300Mi"}`.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger or delay Pod evictions, and may change the allocatable reported
	// by the node.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	EvictionSoft map[string]string `json:"evictionSoft,omitempty"`
	// evictionSoftGracePeriod is a map of signal names to quantities that defines grace
	// periods for each soft eviction signal. For example: `{"memory.available": "30s"}`.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger or delay Pod evictions.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	EvictionSoftGracePeriod map[string]string `json:"evictionSoftGracePeriod,omitempty"`
	// evictionPressureTransitionPeriod is the duration for which the kubelet has to wait
	// before transitioning out of an eviction pressure condition.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// lowering it may decrease the stability of the node when the node is overcommitted.
	// Default: "5m"
	// +optional
	EvictionPressureTransitionPeriod metav1.Duration `json:"evictionPressureTransitionPeriod,omitempty"`
	// evictionMaxPodGracePeriod is the maximum allowed grace period (in seconds) to use
	// when terminating pods in response to a soft eviction threshold being met. This value
	// effectively caps the Pod's terminationGracePeriodSeconds value during soft evictions.
	// Note: Due to issue #64530, the behavior has a bug where this value currently just
	// overrides the grace period during soft eviction, which can increase the grace
	// period from what is set on the Pod. This bug will be fixed in a future release.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// lowering it decreases the amount of time Pods will have to gracefully clean
	// up before being killed during a soft eviction.
	// Default: 0
	// +optional
	EvictionMaxPodGracePeriod int32 `json:"evictionMaxPodGracePeriod,omitempty"`
	// evictionMinimumReclaim is a map of signal names to quantities that defines minimum reclaims,
	// which describe the minimum amount of a given resource the kubelet will reclaim when
	// performing a pod eviction while that resource is under pressure.
	// For example: `{"imagefs.available": "2Gi"}`.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may change how well eviction can manage resource pressure.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	EvictionMinimumReclaim map[string]string `json:"evictionMinimumReclaim,omitempty"`
	// podsPerCore is the maximum number of pods per core. Cannot exceed maxPods.
	// The value must be a non-negative integer.
	// If 0, there is no limit on the number of Pods.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// changes may cause Pods to fail admission on Kubelet restart, and may change
	// the value reported in `Node.status.capacity.pods`, thus affecting
	// future scheduling decisions. Increasing this value may also decrease performance,
	// as more Pods can be packed into a single node.
	// Default: 0
	// +optional
	PodsPerCore int32 `json:"podsPerCore,omitempty"`
	// enableControllerAttachDetach enables the Attach/Detach controller to
	// manage attachment/detachment of volumes scheduled to this node, and
	// disables kubelet from executing any attach/detach operations.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// changing which component is responsible for volume management on a live node
	// may result in volumes refusing to detach if the node is not drained prior to
	// the update, and if Pods are scheduled to the node before the
	// volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach annotation is updated by the
	// Kubelet. In general, it is safest to leave this value set the same as local config.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	EnableControllerAttachDetach *bool `json:"enableControllerAttachDetach,omitempty"`
	// protectKernelDefaults, if true, causes the Kubelet to error if kernel
	// flags are not as it expects. Otherwise the Kubelet will attempt to modify
	// kernel flags to match its expectation.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// enabling it may cause the Kubelet to crash-loop if the Kernel is not configured as
	// Kubelet expects.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	ProtectKernelDefaults bool `json:"protectKernelDefaults,omitempty"`
	// makeIPTablesUtilChains, if true, causes the Kubelet ensures a set of iptables rules
	// are present on host.
	// These rules will serve as utility rules for various components, e.g. kube-proxy.
	// The rules will be created based on iptablesMasqueradeBit and iptablesDropBit.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// disabling it will prevent the Kubelet from healing locally misconfigured iptables rules.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	MakeIPTablesUtilChains *bool `json:"makeIPTablesUtilChains,omitempty"`
	// iptablesMasqueradeBit is the bit of the iptables fwmark space to mark for SNAT.
	// Values must be within the range [0, 31]. Must be different from other mark bits.
	// Warning: Please match the value of the corresponding parameter in kube-proxy.
	// TODO: clean up IPTablesMasqueradeBit in kube-proxy.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it needs to be coordinated with other components, like kube-proxy, and the update
	// will only be effective if MakeIPTablesUtilChains is enabled.
	// Default: 14
	// +optional
	IPTablesMasqueradeBit *int32 `json:"iptablesMasqueradeBit,omitempty"`
	// iptablesDropBit is the bit of the iptables fwmark space to mark for dropping packets.
	// Values must be within the range [0, 31]. Must be different from other mark bits.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it needs to be coordinated with other components, like kube-proxy, and the update
	// will only be effective if MakeIPTablesUtilChains is enabled.
	// Default: 15
	// +optional
	IPTablesDropBit *int32 `json:"iptablesDropBit,omitempty"`
	// featureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable experimental
	// features. This field modifies piecemeal the built-in default values from
	// "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features/kube_features.go".
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider the
	// documentation for the features you are enabling or disabling. While we
	// encourage feature developers to make it possible to dynamically enable
	// and disable features, some changes may require node reboots, and some
	// features may require careful coordination to retroactively disable.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	FeatureGates map[string]bool `json:"featureGates,omitempty"`
	// failSwapOn tells the Kubelet to fail to start if swap is enabled on the node.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// setting it to true will cause the Kubelet to crash-loop if swap is enabled.
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	FailSwapOn *bool `json:"failSwapOn,omitempty"`
	// memorySwap configures swap memory available to container workloads.
	// +featureGate=NodeSwap
	// +optional
	MemorySwap MemorySwapConfiguration `json:"memorySwap,omitempty"`
	// containerLogMaxSize is a quantity defining the maximum size of the container log
	// file before it is rotated. For example: "5Mi" or "256Ki".
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may trigger log rotation.
	// Default: "10Mi"
	// +optional
	ContainerLogMaxSize string `json:"containerLogMaxSize,omitempty"`
	// containerLogMaxFiles specifies the maximum number of container log files that can
	// be present for a container.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// lowering it may cause log files to be deleted.
	// Default: 5
	// +optional
	ContainerLogMaxFiles *int32 `json:"containerLogMaxFiles,omitempty"`
	// configMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy is a mode in which ConfigMap and Secret
	// managers are running. Valid values include:
	// - `Get`: kubelet fetches necessary objects directly from the API server;
	// - `Cache`: kubelet uses TTL cache for object fetched from the API server;
	// - `Watch`: kubelet uses watches to observe changes to objects that are in its interest.
	// Default: "Watch"
	// +optional
	ConfigMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy `json:"configMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy,omitempty"`

	/* the following fields are meant for Node Allocatable */

	// systemReserved is a set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G)
	// pairs that describe resources reserved for non-kubernetes components.
	// Currently only cpu and memory are supported.
	// See http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources for more detail.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may not be possible to increase the reserved resources, because this
	// requires resizing cgroups. Always look for a NodeAllocatableEnforced event
	// after updating this field to ensure that the update was successful.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	SystemReserved map[string]string `json:"systemReserved,omitempty"`
	// kubeReserved is a set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs
	// that describe resources reserved for kubernetes system components.
	// Currently cpu, memory and local storage for root file system are supported.
	// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
	// for more details.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may not be possible to increase the reserved resources, because this
	// requires resizing cgroups. Always look for a NodeAllocatableEnforced event
	// after updating this field to ensure that the update was successful.
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	KubeReserved map[string]string `json:"kubeReserved,omitempty"`
	// The reservedSystemCPUs option specifies the CPU list reserved for the host
	// level system threads and kubernetes related threads. This provide a "static"
	// CPU list rather than the "dynamic" list by systemReserved and kubeReserved.
	// This option does not support systemReservedCgroup or kubeReservedCgroup.
	ReservedSystemCPUs string `json:"reservedSystemCPUs,omitempty"`
	// showHiddenMetricsForVersion is the previous version for which you want to show
	// hidden metrics.
	// Only the previous minor version is meaningful, other values will not be allowed.
	// The format is `<major>.<minor>`, e.g.: `1.16`.
	// The purpose of this format is make sure you have the opportunity to notice
	// if the next release hides additional metrics, rather than being surprised
	// when they are permanently removed in the release after that.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	ShowHiddenMetricsForVersion string `json:"showHiddenMetricsForVersion,omitempty"`
	// systemReservedCgroup helps the kubelet identify absolute name of top level CGroup used
	// to enforce `systemReserved` compute resource reservation for OS system daemons.
	// Refer to [Node Allocatable](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/node-allocatable.md)
	// doc for more information.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	SystemReservedCgroup string `json:"systemReservedCgroup,omitempty"`
	// kubeReservedCgroup helps the kubelet identify absolute name of top level CGroup used
	// to enforce `KubeReserved` compute resource reservation for Kubernetes node system daemons.
	// Refer to [Node Allocatable](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/node-allocatable.md)
	// doc for more information.
	// Dynamic Kubelet Config (deprecated): This field should not be updated without a full node
	// reboot. It is safest to keep this value the same as the local config.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	KubeReservedCgroup string `json:"kubeReservedCgroup,omitempty"`
	// This flag specifies the various Node Allocatable enforcements that Kubelet needs to perform.
	// This flag accepts a list of options. Acceptable options are `none`, `pods`,
	// `system-reserved` and `kube-reserved`.
	// If `none` is specified, no other options may be specified.
	// When `system-reserved` is in the list, systemReservedCgroup must be specified.
	// When `kube-reserved` is in the list, kubeReservedCgroup must be specified.
	// This field is supported only when `cgroupsPerQOS` is set to true.
	// Refer to [Node Allocatable](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/node-allocatable.md)
	// for more information.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// removing enforcements may reduce the stability of the node. Alternatively, adding
	// enforcements may reduce the stability of components which were using more than
	// the reserved amount of resources; for example, enforcing kube-reserved may cause
	// Kubelets to OOM if it uses more than the reserved resources, and enforcing system-reserved
	// may cause system daemons to OOM if they use more than the reserved resources.
	// Default: ["pods"]
	// +optional
	EnforceNodeAllocatable []string `json:"enforceNodeAllocatable,omitempty"`
	// A comma separated whitelist of unsafe sysctls or sysctl patterns (ending in `*`).
	// Unsafe sysctl groups are `kernel.shm*`, `kernel.msg*`, `kernel.sem`, `fs.mqueue.*`,
	// and `net.*`. For example: "`kernel.msg*,net.ipv4.route.min_pmtu`"
	// Default: []
	// +optional
	AllowedUnsafeSysctls []string `json:"allowedUnsafeSysctls,omitempty"`
	// volumePluginDir is the full path of the directory in which to search
	// for additional third party volume plugins.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that changing
	// the volumePluginDir may disrupt workloads relying on third party volume plugins.
	// Default: "/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/"
	// +optional
	VolumePluginDir string `json:"volumePluginDir,omitempty"`
	// providerID, if set, sets the unique ID of the instance that an external
	// provider (i.e. cloudprovider) can use to identify a specific node.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact the ability of the Kubelet to interact with cloud providers.
	// Default: ""
	// +optional
	ProviderID string `json:"providerID,omitempty"`
	// kernelMemcgNotification, if set, instructs the the kubelet to integrate with the
	// kernel memcg notification for determining if memory eviction thresholds are
	// exceeded rather than polling.
	// If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when
	// dynamically updating this field, consider that
	// it may impact the way Kubelet interacts with the kernel.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	KernelMemcgNotification bool `json:"kernelMemcgNotification,omitempty"`
	// logging specifies the options of logging.
	// Refer to [Logs Options](https://github.com/kubernetes/component-base/blob/master/logs/options.go)
	// for more information.
	// Default:
	//   Format: text
	// + optional
	Logging componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.LoggingConfiguration `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	// enableSystemLogHandler enables system logs via web interface host:port/logs/
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	EnableSystemLogHandler *bool `json:"enableSystemLogHandler,omitempty"`
	// shutdownGracePeriod specifies the total duration that the node should delay the
	// shutdown and total grace period for pod termination during a node shutdown.
	// Default: "0s"
	// +featureGate=GracefulNodeShutdown
	// +optional
	ShutdownGracePeriod metav1.Duration `json:"shutdownGracePeriod,omitempty"`
	// shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods specifies the duration used to terminate critical
	// pods during a node shutdown. This should be less than shutdownGracePeriod.
	// For example, if shutdownGracePeriod=30s, and shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods=10s,
	// during a node shutdown the first 20 seconds would be reserved for gracefully
	// terminating normal pods, and the last 10 seconds would be reserved for terminating
	// critical pods.
	// Default: "0s"
	// +featureGate=GracefulNodeShutdown
	// +optional
	ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods metav1.Duration `json:"shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods,omitempty"`
	// reservedMemory specifies a comma-separated list of memory reservations for NUMA nodes.
	// The parameter makes sense only in the context of the memory manager feature.
	// The memory manager will not allocate reserved memory for container workloads.
	// For example, if you have a NUMA0 with 10Gi of memory and the reservedMemory was
	// specified to reserve 1Gi of memory at NUMA0, the memory manager will assume that
	// only 9Gi is available for allocation.
	// You can specify a different amount of NUMA node and memory types.
	// You can omit this parameter at all, but you should be aware that the amount of
	// reserved memory from all NUMA nodes should be equal to the amount of memory specified
	// by the [node allocatable](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/reserve-compute-resources/#node-allocatable).
	// If at least one node allocatable parameter has a non-zero value, you will need
	// to specify at least one NUMA node.
	// Also, avoid specifying:
	// 1. Duplicates, the same NUMA node, and memory type, but with a different value.
	// 2. zero limits for any memory type.
	// 3. NUMAs nodes IDs that do not exist under the machine.
	// 4. memory types except for memory and hugepages-<size>
	// Default: nil
	// +optional
	ReservedMemory []MemoryReservation `json:"reservedMemory,omitempty"`
	// enableProfilingHandler enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	EnableProfilingHandler *bool `json:"enableProfilingHandler,omitempty"`
	// enableDebugFlagsHandler enables flags endpoint via web interface host:port/debug/flags/v
	// Default: true
	// +optional
	EnableDebugFlagsHandler *bool `json:"enableDebugFlagsHandler,omitempty"`
	// SeccompDefault enables the use of `RuntimeDefault` as the default seccomp profile for all workloads.
	// This requires the corresponding SeccompDefault feature gate to be enabled as well.
	// Default: false
	// +optional
	SeccompDefault *bool `json:"seccompDefault,omitempty"`
	// MemoryThrottlingFactor specifies the factor multiplied by the memory limit or node allocatable memory
	// when setting the cgroupv2 memory.high value to enforce MemoryQoS.
	// Decreasing this factor will set lower high limit for container cgroups and put heavier reclaim pressure
	// while increasing will put less reclaim pressure.
	// See http://kep.k8s.io/2570 for more details.
	// Default: 0.8
	// +featureGate=MemoryQoS
	// +optional
	MemoryThrottlingFactor *float64 `json:"memoryThrottlingFactor,omitempty"`


type KubeletAuthentication struct {
    // x509 contains settings related to x509 client certificate authentication.
    // +optional
    X509 KubeletX509Authentication `json:"x509"`
    // webhook contains settings related to webhook bearer token authentication.
    // +optional
    Webhook KubeletWebhookAuthentication `json:"webhook"`
    // anonymous contains settings related to anonymous authentication.
    // +optional
    Anonymous KubeletAnonymousAuthentication `json:"anonymous"`


type KubeletAuthorizationMode string

const (
    // KubeletAuthorizationModeAlwaysAllow authorizes all authenticated requests
    KubeletAuthorizationModeAlwaysAllow KubeletAuthorizationMode = "AlwaysAllow"
    // KubeletAuthorizationModeWebhook uses the SubjectAccessReview API to determine authorization
    KubeletAuthorizationModeWebhook KubeletAuthorizationMode = "Webhook"

type KubeletAuthorization struct {
    // mode is the authorization mode to apply to requests to the kubelet server.
    // Valid values are `AlwaysAllow` and `Webhook`.
    // Webhook mode uses the SubjectAccessReview API to determine authorization.
    // +optional
    Mode KubeletAuthorizationMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`

    // webhook contains settings related to Webhook authorization.
    // +optional
    Webhook KubeletWebhookAuthorization `json:"webhook"`


// ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy denotes a mode in which internal
// managers (secret, configmap) are discovering object changes.
type ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy string

// Enum settings for different strategies of kubelet managers.
const (
    // GetChangeDetectionStrategy is a mode in which kubelet fetches
    // necessary objects directly from apiserver.
    GetChangeDetectionStrategy ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy = "Get"
    // TTLCacheChangeDetectionStrategy is a mode in which kubelet uses
    // ttl cache for object directly fetched from apiserver.
    TTLCacheChangeDetectionStrategy ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy = "Cache"
    // WatchChangeDetectionStrategy is a mode in which kubelet uses
    // watches to observe changes to objects that are in its interest.
    WatchChangeDetectionStrategy ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy = "Watch"
    // RestrictedTopologyManagerPolicy is a mode in which kubelet only allows
    // pods with optimal NUMA node alignment for requested resources
    RestrictedTopologyManagerPolicy = "restricted"
    // BestEffortTopologyManagerPolicy is a mode in which kubelet will favour
    // pods with NUMA alignment of CPU and device resources.
    BestEffortTopologyManagerPolicy = "best-effort"
    // NoneTopologyManagerPolicy is a mode in which kubelet has no knowledge
    // of NUMA alignment of a pod's CPU and device resources.
    NoneTopologyManagerPolicy = "none"
    // SingleNumaNodeTopologyManagerPolicy is a mode in which kubelet only allows
    // pods with a single NUMA alignment of CPU and device resources.
    SingleNumaNodeTopologyManagerPolicy = "single-numa-node"
    // ContainerTopologyManagerScope represents that
    // topology policy is applied on a per-container basis.
    ContainerTopologyManagerScope = "container"
    // PodTopologyManagerScope represents that
    // topology policy is applied on a per-pod basis.
    PodTopologyManagerScope = "pod"
    // NoneMemoryManagerPolicy is a memory manager none policy, under the none policy
    // the memory manager will not pin containers memory of guaranteed pods
    NoneMemoryManagerPolicy = "None"
    // StaticMemoryManagerPolicy is a memory manager static policy, under the static policy
    // the memory manager will try to pin containers memory of guaranteed pods to the smallest
    // possible sub-set of NUMA nodes
    StaticMemoryManagerPolicy = "Static"



// LoggingConfiguration contains logging options
// Refer [Logs Options](https://github.com/kubernetes/component-base/blob/master/logs/options.go) for more information.
type LoggingConfiguration struct {
    // Format Flag specifies the structure of log messages.
    // default value of format is `text`
    Format string
    // [Experimental] When enabled prevents logging of fields tagged as sensitive (passwords, keys, tokens).
    // Runtime log sanitization may introduce significant computation overhead and therefore should not be enabled in production.`)
    Sanitization bool


// MemoryReservation specifies the memory reservation of different types for each NUMA node
type MemoryReservation struct {
    NumaNode int32           `json:"numaNode"`
    Limits   v1.ResourceList `json:"limits"`

最后修改 2023.01.28: feat: 整理下目录顺序 (e5691ea)